- Acta psychologica : international journal of psychonomics
- Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales
- Addiction
- Administration in social work
- Administrative science quarterly
- Advances in environmental research
- Ageing and society
- Agricultural economics
- American anthropologist
- American business law journal
- American journal of clinical hypnosis
- American journal of community psychology
- American journal of epidemiology
- American journal of occupational therapy
- American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation
- American journal of physiology
- American journal of psychotherapy
- American journal of public health
- American journal of sports medicine
- American journal on mental retardation
- American sociological review
- Analyses of social issues and public policy
- Animal behaviour
- Animal behaviour abstracts
- Animation journal
- Annals of neurology
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
- Annual review of phytopathology
- Anthropology today
- Anthropos : revue internationale d'ethnologie et de linguistique
- Antitrust law journal
- Applied and environmental microbiology
- Applied radiation and isotopes
- Archives de sciences sociales des religions
- Archives europeennes de sociologie ; European journal of sociology ; Europaisches Archiv fur Soziologie
- Archives of environmental & occupational health : an international journal
- Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology
- Archives of environmental health
- Archives of general psychiatry
- Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Asia Pacific journal of social work
- Asia Pacific journal of social work and development
- Asia-Pacific population journal
- Australian occupational therapy journal
- Basic and applied social psychology
- Behavior modification
- Behavior research methods, instruments, & computers : a journal of the Psychonomic Society, Inc.
- Behavior therapy
- Behavioral disorders
- Behavioral science
- Behaviour
- Behaviour research and therapy
- Biological psychology
- Biometrics
- Birth
- British journal of industrial relations
- British journal of occupational therapy
- Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology
- Business and the environment's ISO 14000 update
- Cahiers internationaux de sociologie. Nouvelle serie
- Canadian journal on aging ; La Revue canadienne du vieillissement
- Child & family behavior therapy
- Child & family social work
- Child and adolescent mental health
- Child development
- Child development perspectives
- Child welfare
- Clean technologies and environmental policy
- Clinical neuroscience
- Clinical psychology review
- Clinical social work journal
- Cognitive and behavioral practice
- Cognitive therapy and research
- Community care
- Community development journal
- Community development journal
- Community mental health journal
- Comparative sociology
- Comparative studies in society and history
- Computers in human behavior
- Conservation
- Conservation
- Conservation biology
- Conservation in practice
- Contemporary sociology : a journal of reviews
- Copyright world
- Corporate social responsibility and environmental management
- Crop science
- Current anthropology
- Current sociology ; La sociologie contemporaine
- Demography
- Der Spiegel
- Developmental medicine and child neurology
- Developmental psychology
- Dickensian
- Disability & society
- Disability and rehabilitation
- Disability and rehabilitation. Assisive technology
- DNA research
- Economic development and cultural change
- Economic geography
- Economy and society
- Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
- Educational research
- ELT journal
- English studies
- Environment and behavior
- Environment and history
- Environmental and ecological statistics
- Environmental chemistry letters
- Environmental conservation
- Environmental education research
- Environmental ethics : an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the philosophical aspects of environmental problems
- Environmental law
- Environmental management
- Environmental modeling & assessment
- Environmental practice : journal of the National Association of Environmental Professionals
- Environmental reviews
- Environmental toxicology
- Environmental values
- Epidemiologic reviews
- Ethnic and racial studies
- Ethnohistory
- Ethnologia europaea
- Ethology
- Ethos
- Etudes rurales
- European intellectual property review
- European journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation
- Europe-Asia studies
- Evolution and human behavior
- Exceptional children
- Excerpta medica. Sect. 19, Rehabilitation and physical medicine
- Families in society
- Family process
- Family relations
- Feminist issues
- Feminist review
- Feminist studies
- Food protection trends : science and news from the International Association for Food Protection
- Foreign affairs
- Gender & society : official publication of Sociologists for Women in Society
- Gender issues
- Geschichte und Gesellschaft
- Global environmental change report
- Growth and change : a journal of regional policy
- Harvard business review
- Harvard international law journal
- Health affairs
- Health and social work
- Health services research
- Human factors : the journal of the Human Factors Society
- Human organization
- Human relations
- Human services organizations
- Il Nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. Ser. 11. Sect. B
- Il nuovo cimento della Societa italiana di fisica. Ser. 12. B, General physics, relativity, astronomy and mathematical physics and methods
- Index to legal periodicals & books
- Industrial and labor relations review
- Infection and immunity
- Informationsbrief Auslanderrecht
- Intellectual property magazine
- International environmental agreements : politics, law and economics
- International family planning perspectives
- International journal of comparative sociology
- International journal of developmental disabilities
- International journal of environmental health research
- International journal of group tensions
- International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR
- International journal of nursing studies
- International migration review
- International nursing review : official journal of the International Council of Nurses
- International social work
- International sociology : journal of the International Sociological Association
- JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association
- JAMA psychiatry
- JICA's world [日本語版]
- Jona's healthcare law, ethics, and regulation
- Journal of abnormal child psychology : devoted to studies of behavioral pathology in childhood and adolescence
- Journal of abnormal psychology
- Journal of aging & social policy
- Journal of applied behavior analysis
- Journal of applied biomechanics
- Journal of applied physiology
- Journal of applied psychology
- Journal of applied statistics
- Journal of autism and developmental disorders
- Journal of behavior therapy and experimental psychiatry
- Journal of biomechanics
- Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume
- Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines
- Journal of clinical psychiatry
- Journal of communication
- Journal of community health
- Journal of comparative family studies
- Journal of consulting and clinical psychology
- Journal of counseling psychology
- Journal of cross-cultural gerontology
- Journal of cross-cultural psychology
- Journal of cross-cultural psychology
- Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP
- Journal of economic literature
- Journal of educational research
- Journal of environmental economics and management
- Journal of environmental management
- Journal of environmental radioactivity : an international journal
- Journal of environmental science and health. Part A, Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering
- Journal of environmental science and health. Pt. B, Pesticids, food contaminants and agricultural wastes
- Journal of experimental child psychology
- Journal of family history : studies in family, kinship and demography
- Journal of family social work
- Journal of food protection
- Journal of hand therapy : official journal of the American Society of Hand Therapists
- Journal of health and social behavior
- Journal of historical sociology
- Journal of management studies
- Journal of marketing
- Journal of marriage and the family
- Journal of mathematical physics
- Journal of neurologic rehabilitation
- Journal of nursing administration
- Journal of nursing education
- Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene
- Journal of occupational and environmental medicine
- Journal of occupational medicine
- Journal of occupational rehabilitation
- Journal of occupational science
- Journal of organizational behavior
- Journal of personality and social psychology
- Journal of rehabilitation
- Journal of rehabilitation medicine
- Journal of retailing
- Journal of social issues
- Journal of social policy
- Journal of social psychology
- Journal of social service research
- Journal of social work education
- Journal of social work practice
- Journal of studies on alcohol
- Journal of the American Statistical Association
- Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior
- Journal of the Patent and Trademark Office Society
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, Statistics in society
- Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology
- Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
- L'Annee sociologique. Troisieme serie
- Learning disability quarterly : journal of the Division for Children with Learning Disabilities
- Local population studies
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Managing intellectual property
- Master drawings
- Medical care
- Medicine and science in sports and exercise : official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
- Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
- Monthly Jica
- Museum international [English ed]
- National Gallery technical bulletin
- Nature
- Nature digest 日本語編集版
- Neuphilologische Mitteilungen
- Neurorehabilitation and neural repair
- New England journal of medicine
- Nursing research
- Operations research : the journal of the Operations Research Society of America
- Organization studies
- Organizational dynamics
- Osteuropa
- Osteuropa Wirtschaft
- Osteuropa-Recht : Gegenwartsfragen aus den sowjetischen Rechtskreis
- OTJR : occupation, participation and health
- Partners in community health
- Past & present
- Patent world
- Patient education and counseling
- Philosophy of science
- Physical & occupational therapy in geriatrics
- Physical & occupational therapy in pediatrics
- Physical review. Third series. D, Particles and fields
- Physics in medicine and biology
- Physiology and behavior : an international journal
- Physiotherapy
- Physiotherapy frontline
- Phytopathology
- Plant & cell physiology
- Plant disease
- Policy & practice of Public Human Services
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
- Psychological abstracts
- Psychometrika
- Public health reports
- Public interest
- Public opinion quarterly
- Public welfare
- Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation
- Rationality and society
- Regional studies
- Relations industrielles
- Research quarterly for exercise and sport
- Restaurator
- Restauro
- Review
- Revue francaise de sociologie
- Rural sociology
- Russian history
- Russian review : an American journal devoted to Russia past and present
- Scandinavian journal of rehabilitation medicine
- School social work journal
- Science. New series
- Sequential analysis
- Significance : statistics making sense
- Signs : journal of women in culture and society
- Slavic review : American quarterly of Soviet and East European studies
- Social behavior and personality : an international journal
- Social compass : revue des etudes socio-religieuses : review of socio-religious studies
- Social forces
- Social history
- Social issues and policy review
- Social justice research
- Social policy and society : a journal of the Social Policy Association
- Social problems
- Social research : an international quarterly of the social sciences
- Social science quarterly
- Social science research : a quarterly journal of social science methodology and quantitative research
- Social welfare
- Social work : journal of National Association of Social Workers
- Social work abstracts
- Social work in Europe
- Social work research
- Society : social science and modern society
- Sociological abstracts
- Sociological forum : official journal of the Eastern Sociological Society
- Sociological inquiry
- Sociological methods & research
- Sociological spectrum : the official journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association
- Sociological theory
- Sociologie du travail
- Sociologus. Neue Folge
- Soil science and plant nutrition
- Spatial economic analysis
- Spine
- Sports health
- Systems research and behavioral science
- Teaching of psychology
- Teaching sociology
- Technometrics
- Territory, politics, governance
- The Abbey newsletter
- The agricultural history review
- The American economic review
- The American journal of clinical nutrition
- The American journal of comparative law
- The American journal of economics and sociology
- The American journal of nursing
- The American journal of sociology
- The American psychologist
- The analysis of verbal behavior
- The annals of applied statistics
- The annals of statistics
- The Australian journal of physiotherapy
- The Behavioral and brain sciences
- The British journal of developmental disabilities
- The British journal of social work
- The British journal of sociology
- The Canadian journal of occupational therapy ; Revue canadienne d'ergotherapie
- The China quarterly
- The economic and social review
- The Economic history review
- The economist
- The Environmental forum
- The Environmentalist
- The Gerontologist
- The Harvard environmental law review
- The history of the family : an international quarterly
- The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis
- The Japan times
- The Journal of Asian studies
- The Journal of bone and joint surgery. American volume
- The Journal of conflict resolution : a quarterly for research related to war and peace
- The journal of economic history
- The Journal of economic perspectives : a journal of the American Economic Association
- The journal of human resources
- The Journal of interdisciplinary history
- The Journal of legal studies education
- The Journal of marital and family therapy
- The journal of mathematical sociology
- The journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy
- The Journal of peasant studies
- The Journal of physiology
- The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute : incorporating man
- The Journal of volunteer administration
- The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
- The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
- The Mathematica journal : the independent publication of the mathematica community
- The Occupational therapy journal of research
- The Psychological record : a quarterly journal in theoretical and experimental psychology
- The Rural sociologist : a publication of the Rural Sociological Society
- The Shin dong-a
- The Slavonic and East European review
- The social service review : a quarterly devoted to the scientific and professional interests of social work
- The Sociological review. New series
- The University of Chicago law review
- The weekly economist
- Theory and society : renewal and critique in social theory
- Theory, culture & society
- Third world quarterly
- Topics in geriatric rehabilitation
- Trademark world
- Ultrasound in medicine and biology
- Urban affairs review
- Urban studies
- Vierteljahrschrift fur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
- Volunteering
- Water environment & technology
- Water environment research : a research publication of the Water Environment Federation
- Wildlife research
- World intellectual property report
- World patent information : the international journal for industrial property documentation, information, classification and statistics
- World politics : a quarterly journal of international relations
- World water and environmental engineering
- 所蔵はありません
- 所蔵はありません
- Zeitschrift fur Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie
- Zeitschrift fur Auslanderrecht und Auslanderpolitik
- Zeitschrift fur auslandisches offentliches Recht und Volkerrecht
- Zeitschrift fur Soziologie
- Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde