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ISSN 03005364
書名 British journal of audiology Vol. 7 (Feb. 1973)-v. 35, no. 6 (Dec. 2001) -- Vol. 7 (Feb. 1973)-v. 35, no. 6 (Dec. 2001)
他標題 Br. j. audiol
British journal of audiology
出版事項 London Royal National Institute for the Deaf 1973-c2001
注記 Publisher varies: Whurr Publishers for the British Society of Audiology
変遷誌名 継続後誌: International journal of audiology
著者名 British Society of Audiology  
件名 Audiology -- Periodicals   Hearing -- periodicals   Sound -- periodicals  

所蔵館 配架場所所蔵年次所蔵巻号背ラベルデータ更新日 
九保 附属図書館1999-200133-35 2010/ 5/11受入状況

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