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ISSN 03080226
書名 British journal of occupational therapy Vol. 37, no. 5 (1974)- /British Association of Occupational Therapists -- Vol. 37, no. 5 (1974)-
他標題 Br J Occup Ther
出版事項 London
変遷誌名 継続前誌: Occupational therapy : the official journal of the Association of Occupational Therapists / Association of Occupational Therapists
件名 Occupational therapy Periodicals   Ergoth?rapie P?riodiques  

所蔵館 配架場所所蔵年次所蔵巻号背ラベルデータ更新日 
九保 洋雑誌架1999-2024+62-86,87(1-2) 2024/ 3/29受入状況

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