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書名 Smith College studies in social work Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1930)- /Smith College School for Social Work -- Vol. 1, no. 1 (Sept. 1930)-
他標題 Smith Coll. stud. soc. work
Smith College studies in social work
出版事項 Northampton, Mass. Smith College School for Social Work 1930-
注記 "Some investigations containes in the Smith College Studies in Social Work are based on projects submitted to the School for Social Work in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Social Work."
Current frequency: 3 no. a year, Sept. 1947-
Former frequency: Quarterly, Sept. 1930-June 1947

所蔵館 配架場所所蔵年次所蔵巻号背ラベルデータ更新日 
九保 附属図書館1999-200669-76 2021/ 8/18受入状況

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